The Micro Needling treatment is typically used for skin rejuvenation and improvement of scars. This treatment uses a derma roller or micro needling device to create micro needle punctures that cause mild trauma to the skins surface to stimulate the natural production of new collagen and elastin.

Reactions from the treatment include: skin redness and flushing, tightness, itching, tenderness, stinging, swelling and some pin point bleeding.
Effects will typically resolve within hours and many people are able to return to their normal activities the same or next day. Some people may react differently and may experience these reactions for longer. However, these reactions are temporary and typically resolve within 3-4 days as the skin returns to normal.
There is a small risk of side effects causing the skin to turn very red, blister, swell, peel and later scab / crust. In severe cases infection and ulceration may result, although this is not expected to occur due to the sterility of the derma roller/micro needling device and the minimally invasive nature of the micro medical needles.
Micro needle therapy procedure may cause areas of bruising although this would not normally be expected to occur, the eye contour being the area at most risk. Any such bruising is temporary. If you are taking any medication or dietary supplements that can affect platelet function and bleeding time, the severity and period of bruising can be extended, also the presence of petechiae (small red or purple spots beneath the skin) may be observed.
There is a small risk hyper pigmentation of the skin can occur after the procedure, although this is not normally expected, as the epidermis of the skin is not removed as a result of the procedure. Failure to follow the advice detailed below can increase the risk.
I have been given the following post treatment advice:
Refrain from touching the skin with your hands until the pores have had a chance to close. DO NOT PICK OR PULL THE SKIN. Any redness should subside over a 24- 36 hour period.
Gently wash the treated areas on the same day, but do not rub or massage the face for two weeks. Cleanse using a mild cleanser. It is recommended that the use of soaps on the treated skin area is restricted until the redness subsides. luke warm water and / or gentle skin cleansers are used for cleansing. Do not scrub pat dry with clean towel.
Use of intensive moisturiser is advised for at least a week as your skin may feel drier or tighter after the treatment – this is quite normal.
You may experience a slight windburn sensation post treatment and skincare products may tingle slightly, this is normal for the first few days.
Avoid facial products containing fragrance for 2-5 days after the treatment as these may irritate the skin.
No scrubs, peels, or aggressive brushes for 7 days.
Be sparing with self-tan, remember absorption levels are elevated.
Make up can be applied once the skin has settled but ensure all sponges and brushes have been cleaned.
Avoid excessive heat treatments e.g. sauna steam rooms for a minimum of 3 days post treatment.
Please keep out of the sun /sunbeds for 2 weeks post treatment. If you must be in the sun, apply spf 50 or greater, reapply often, wear a hat, and seek shade when possible. Dark skin (Fitzpatrick 4 to 6) is prone to pigmentation and exposure to rays can be elevated in all skin types. It is essential to wear spf factor 50 following this treatment as part of your homecare. Without doing so can result in pigmentation.
Apply a sunscreen with SPF30+ (such as CLINICCARE Sun Shield Silky Cream SPF 30) on a daily basis and with regular applications for a period of at least 2 weeks.
Avoid electrolysis, waxing, bleaching (face) depilatory creams, laser hair removal for at least 72 hours.
Avoid strong chlorinated water (swimming or cleaning) for approximately 14 days.
Please report any concerns to your specialist as soon as possible